Patient Survey Feedback for July 2023 via the Friends and Family Survey:
In a few words, could you tell us why you made that choice?
See patients… phone consultations are inadequate
Answering the phone, time wait if I can get through at all! That would definitely improve your services.
Keep to the times
The long queue your in when you ring up
Perhaps more face to face when seeing the GP rather than telephone.
The first time I tried to make the appointment I was no 1 in the queue and still not answered after 20 minutes. I gave up
Follow infection control guidance re bare below the elbows and around hand washing
Be open 7 days a week.
Nothing really. Maybe think about doing online triage instead of phone calls at 8am
Must have more face to face appointments.
Not a thing
I am happy with this service
Sanitizer to be refilled and available. Patients or visitors to wear masks where appropriate.
Nothing offhand.
Everything was excellent so need for any changes
A forward looking Practice.
The TV thing on wall didn’t make a noise so I didn’t look up and therefore didn’t see my name on screen. This needs rectifying especially for people who are sight impaired and wouldn’t know.
Receptionist wasn’t particularly welcoming or friendly. Explained that I was new and wasn’t sure where to go. I asked some questions which she replied to with one word answers and barely looked up from her screen.
Improve the process to book appointments – it’s very frustrating
Your appointment system needs looking at so people aren’t taking time off for appointments that are not due for another 9 months.
N H S annual review
You could inform patients if the dr is running over
Accept more appointments, hardly anybody in the waiting room and never any appointments available. I’ve once been in that much pain without being able to get an appointment that I have resulted in going private to get a diagnosis.
Nothing keep it up
Nothing everything went well
Very good meanwhile, keep the job
Shorten your introduction message way 2 long u have all the info on your boards no need to be on phone 2
all good on this occasion
When a name comes up on the screen for the appointment maybe sound an alarm to draw a person’s attention to it.As you can easily miss the info on the screen.
For me everything is okay. Much appreciated and thank you.
It would be great if you can get an appointment with a doctor
Is there another way ot transport as ir costs just over .ten pounds each time
Employ more nurses like Rebecca who ask pertinent questions and who listen and give confidence back to the patient in their responce
No improvement necessary if my experience is the norm.
My consultant at N.WVS has told me I need pneumonia vaccine 5 yearly but this is difficult to arrange at the surgery
Calls take forever to be answered (on hold). Appointments are far into the future.
Few months ago I waited for more than an hour for my appointment
Do something about making phone calls to you not so irrelevant and lengthy
Can’t think of anything.always been helpful when l needed to phone in.
Waiting time on the phone when making a call..the queue’s are getting longer longer..I ring at 08.00 and am 15th in the queue, how can this be when surgery only opens at 08.00..
This wasn’t a consultation , just a blood test so this questionnaire seems a little bit irrelevant!!
Reception staff could be a bit more welcoming. I felt like an inconvenience
Don’t allow receptionists to came medical decisions. Keep on the ball with yearly checkups, l had to remind them it had been 18 months before any appointment
Nothing to improve this time
Well, i have seen this person twice now and i do not wish to be rude , but they do not seemed very bothered or interested .
Tell us when running late
Better co-ordination in sending unnecessary text messages for fixing appointments, when I am not due. Also not to change app time at the last minute.
I couldn’t think of anything you could have done better in this instance
Improve timing
Would prefer to see a Doctor
Ask the patient what time is suitable for them for an appointment as a lot of people have to work and cannot get appointments due to working.
Quicker appointment
Quicker appointment
Sort out your process at receptionist
Nothing in this instance.
No suggestions.
Face yo face consultations
Book appointments online on patient app
Nothing that I can think of.
Make it easier to see a gp
I advised reception I didn’t need the ECG as I decided not to take the related medication but the receptionist insisted I still came for the appointment. Seems like a waste of time me.
Nothing based on this visit
Nothing you’re doing a brilliant job
More face to face appointment
Happy with the appointment
It was blood test and was done professionally
Dunno saying no one’s been around
I first called at 08:01am on Wednesday 12th July and was told I was called number 21 in the queue, after over half an hour of waiting I finally got through and was told there were no appointments available. I feel like unless you get lucky and get through the options quickly then you’ve no chance of getting an appointment either phone or otherwise
I think you guys are doing it all well
Obviously make it easier to actually see a doctor face to face
More face to face with the doctors
Nothing good all round
Felt like a rushed phone call, no clear instructions or advice given on how to manage pain
Make it easier to speak to someone on the phone.
You did all you could to get to the bottom of what wa wrong
None all good
First visit to see a GP at the surgery which was a very positive experience.
Not that I could think of now
I was 24 in phone queue,got to number2 and was told to leave a message. Did’nt know that could happen!
Start face to face consultations again.
Be able to make non urgent appointments for forward dates rather than having to call at 8am on the day
Reduce the time range for when we can expect the call
Nothing that I can think of
have more appointment slots and free medicines
Have a sign in the waiting room on where to head for rooms A-D!
Nothing specific
Be more efficient, provide some extra procedures for individuals like myself with my ocupation, have the receptionist not be so rude and most importantly sort out the repeat prescription procedure as i email and never get all my prescriptions sent over to the pharmacy
Enable booking appointments via the app
Quicker appointments I had to wait a month while in pain to receive pain killers
Nothing comes to mind
Improve referral services
No all good today 👍👍👍😉
it takes several minutes to get to speak to reception I find it frustrating and not knowing the results of Tests
I was happy with the service
I am no all that happy with telephone medical advise. If you have medical problem you should see a doctor.
Arrange follow up appointments to monitor regularly
I tried to speak to the pharmacist a few days earlier but this service is quite limited time use so I think this being available may have helped avoid the need for a GP appointment.
Just send pills that I ask for to chemist rather than coming in to see the doctor just a phone call to doctor and send pills
Apart from shortage of quick appointment times, nothing to add.
I cannot think of anything that would improve the 10 out of 10 care I received on that day.
I’m extremely happy with the practise from the receptionist to the nurses and Doctors amazing service
If it is possible to cut down the length of the time (weeks) just to see a doctor in person
Try to see patients quicker, I know it’s difficult.
Never better
Make it easier to see a doctor face to face
Change the appointment system
Perhaps to be seen more regularly say 6 monthly
Call back could be quicker maybe
A little more time to discuss the issues
To continue in the same way
Results need to be fed back to patients. I will be calling next week to try and arrange a FU, this will likely be a while due to waiting lists.
Get pill repuests correct
Keep up the good work
More cohesion between GP practice and NHS..I was told by NHS to book a COVID jab with pharmacy as I have an autoimmune disease. The Pharmacy would not give me the jab when I turned up as my having coeliac disease wasn’t on the government list of illness which required a COVID vaccine. Thus time and money wasted. Pharmacy said it had happened to a lot of people. So I haven’t had my ‘promised’ COVID vaccination.
Reduce waiting times .
Your service is excellent
Continue to proactively contact people about their health
Make it easier to get a face to face appointments. With a doctor,
Make appointment system better
Not for appointments with the nurse on this occasion
Cannot think of anything.
Offer more face to face appointments
Sort out the phone system it is not fit for purpose
Happy with the practice
Be able to see doctors face to face
Very satisfactory service
Make one to one appointments quicker
Truly nothing all is good
Make it easier to get an appointment or able to book online for non urgent appointments
I am quite happy with the service the surgery provides
I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff at Heald Green Health Centre, you are all amazing.
Trying to get an appointment is hard – 3/4 week wait at times
Have a Doctor to hand to be able to ask questions about medication and possible side effects receptionist really good too
Streamline morning costs £10 to wait in the queue.i am usually the 10th in line trying to get an appointment.
None ALL good. Thank you
No, really satisfied thank you
You can improve the booking appointments process
Maintain that efficiency
Perfect visit
The appointments were running late. Personally, I don’t like to wait in a waiting room with sick people for any longer than necessary. If there was an option to be notified by text when you are being called (after checking in using the screens) so patient s have the option to wait in their car.
I was seen 25mins late..with respect I’m always kept waiting.This isn’t a complaint just issuing a truism
On this occasion nothing
Am really impressed with the many improvements to the practice; doctors, practice nurses and administration. Appreciate the text reminders
Stop 8am ringing for appt